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News From Nowhere Radical & Community Bookshop

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100 Things You're Not Supposed to Know: Secrets, Conspiracies, Cover Ups, and Absurdities

by Russ Kick - £11.99  Disinformation Company (2014)
paperback    ISBN 13: 9781938875083 | ISBN 10: 1938875087

Do you feel you're being kept deliberately in the dark?
This book turns on the light.
It reveals all the secrets that governments, corporations, religious institutions, the media, the medical establishment, the educational system, racial and gender groups, self-appointed, guardians of public morality, leftists, and rightists (in other words, all those folks who fear the truth will weaken their precious power) don’t want the rest of us to know.
Using impeccable sources to uncover the real facts, Russ Kick exposes such eye-opening truths as:
* The U.S. has almost nuked Canada, Britain, Spain, Greenland, and Texas.
* One out of ten people are not fathered by the man they believe is Dad.
* Barbie is based on a German sex doll.
* The U.S. imprisons more of its population than any other country.
* The American colonists practiced cannibalism.
* The Bayer Company made heroin.
* The Vatican helped cover up the pedophile priest scandal.
Written in bite-size chunks that are easy to digest, this little book can change the way you can see the world.
Here’s the big, not-so-secret secret. People in power—government and religious leaders, head of big corporations, the rich and well connected—all have one major goal: to stay in power. And they’ll do whatever it takes to make sure that happens. Sometimes this means suppressing the truth and covering up facts that might make the rest of us angry enough to challenge the powerful— or at least have a good laugh at their expense. That’s why we need people like Russ Kick, dedicated to discovering and revealing all the juicy secrets that the vested interests have tried to bury.
Using careful research and impeccable sources, Kick uncovers the hidden truth. For example, while self-appointed censors warn constantly about the dangers of pornography, the fact is that pornography has existed since the first cave people carved dirty pictures into the walls—and civilization has managed to thrive all along.
It’s also true that George Washington embezzles government funds, two atomic bombs were dropped on North Carolina, one of the popes wrote an erotic book, the world’s museums contain innumerable fakes, and Gandhi refused to let his dying wife take penicillin yet he took quinine to save himself.
Look inside for surprising but true information about inaccurate HIV tests, crimes committed by the CIA, genetically engineered children—and much, much more.

(Price & availability last checked: December 2014)

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