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News From Nowhere Radical & Community Bookshop

not-for-profit - a workers'co-op - committed to social justice | 96 Bold Street, Liverpool L1 4HY - 0151 708 7270

Dad David, Baba Chris and ME

by Ed Merchant, illustrated by Rachel Fuller - £9.95  BAAF (2010)
paperback    ISBN 13: 9781905664894 | ISBN 10: 1905664893

This brightly illustrated book for children aged 5-10 years old tells Ben’s story about his ordinary life. Ben was adopted by his gay parents – Dad David and Baba Chris – when he was four years old, and they live happily together in an ordinary house, on an ordinary street and do ordinary things.
When Ben starts junior school his ordinary life is turned upside down. Some children begin to tease him because he lives with two dads. They try to hurt and upset him by calling him “gay”. Now Ben is worried that he is not so ordinary any more and he is anxious about being different.
Baba Chris and Ben’s school teacher Miss Patel help Ben to understand that children live in all kinds of families and that what matters most is that children are loved and cared for.
Dad David, Baba Chris and ME also addresses the sensitive issue of whether children’s sexuality will be affected by being raised by same-sex parents. Ben asks his two dads if he will be gay just like them, but Baba Chris tells him that he will know how he feels when he is older. Dad David says that Ben will most likely find a girlfriend, and both his dads reassure Ben that whatever he does and however he feels it will be quite alright and quite ordinary. But it will be special for Ben.
Dad David, Baba Chris and ME helps to explain the diversity and “difference” of family groups, and encourages an understanding and appreciation of same-sex parents. The book will be particularly useful for social workers, child care professionals, carers and adoptive parents when exploring the complexities of modern family life with young children.

(Price & availability last checked: December 2018)

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