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News From Nowhere Radical & Community Bookshop

not-for-profit - a workers'co-op - committed to social justice | 96 Bold Street, Liverpool L1 4HY - 0151 708 7270

Vegan Snacks & Munchies: Plant-Based Nibbles, Snacks, Dips and Sweet Bites

by Ryland Peters & Small - £9.99  Ryland, Peters & Small Ltd (2018)
hardback    ISBN 13: 9781788790321 | ISBN 10: 1788790324

Plant-based nibbles, snacks, dips and sweet bites.
It’s time to quit processed convenience snacks full of salt, sugar, and dairy and choose a healthier way to graze. Here you’ll find nuts and other nibbles that make tasty and convenient snacks when hunger pangs strike. Next up portable pocket-size energy balls and bars are perfect for when you are on the move.
There are recipes for feeding friends too — whip up a dip to serve at your next get-together. And if you are hosting a larger gathering, look no further than crunchy creole cauliflower, perfect for party platters!
Finally, sweet treats that will pep up your next box-set binge include cocoa-almond freezer fudge pops, proving once and for all that plant-based snacking can be every bit as delicious as it is good for you!

(Price & availability last checked: January 2019)

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In booklists: Vegan Cookery,
In categories: Food & Cooking, Environment & Animal Rights,

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