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News From Nowhere Radical & Community Bookshop

not-for-profit - a workers'co-op - committed to social justice | 96 Bold Street, Liverpool L1 4HY - 0151 708 7270

Squatters Handbook

by Advisory Service for Squatters. - £1.50  Advisory Service for Squatters (2009)
paperback    ISBN 13: 9780950776965 | ISBN 10: 0950776963

New edition, up to date, all you need to know about squatting in England and Wales (the rules are different in Scotland) from both a legal and a practical point of view. An extremely valuable resource.
Squat now while stocks last
Squatting can be a solution to the housing problems of people who don't qualify for public housing and can't afford to buy a place or pay the extortionate rents charged by private landlords. It can also help if you DO qualify for public housing but have been wrongly refused it; if you can't claim housing benefit to pay the rent; or if you have spent years on council waiting lists without a home of your own. Squatting helps some people to choose ways of living and relationships with others which would not be possible otherwise and it can proide space for important social, cultural and community projects.
Housing is in chaos
Often, councils can no longer maintain or improve their properties and many are being handed over to housing associations, who can't manage them properly either. So it's up to us to beat the chaos - by squatting houses, flats and other buildings which would otherwise be left to rot or sold off to speculators, while politicians quibble over statistics and people stay homeless.
Most people have no experience of doing house repairs when they first squat, but it's something everyone can learn. The same goes for negotiating with owners, defending court cases and fighting for rehousing. Squatting gives many people not only the chance of a decent home for the first time, but also the opportunity to develop new skills and experience. It can increase our self-confidence in dealing with officialdom and show us how to question the power of those in authority. Often, we discover they only wield as much power as we let them have.
Direct action is better than any waiting list
If you are homeless and have tried all the accepted ways of getting a home, don't be afraid to take maters into your own hands instead of letting the system grind you down. Everyone has a right to a home, and if others can squat, so can you! Take control of your own life instead of being pushed around by bureaucrats and property owners who are more concerned with money and status than the quality of people's lives or their happiness.

(Price & availability last checked: June 2018)

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