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News From Nowhere Radical & Community Bookshop

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Food is Better Medicine Than Drugs: Your Prescription for Drug-free Health

by Patrick Holford and Jerome Burne - £15.99  Piatkus Books (2007)
paperback    ISBN 13: 9780749927974 | ISBN 10: 0749927976

If you are taking any prescription drug you must read this book! Food is Better Medicine than Drugs is an important and potentially controversial book from top nutritionist Patrick Holford and leading health journalist Jerome Burne. They explain why food is better medicine than drugs. Brilliantly researched and based on solid scientific trials and illuminating case histories, Food is Better Medicine than Drugs will revolutionise the way you think about your health and put you back in charge.
The authors reveal how modern medicine has become distorted and is now, for reasons largely to do with profit and power, heavily dependent on prescription drugs. They look at common health problems (pain/arthritis, heart, depression, diabetes, memory, hormones, digestion, breathing, infections etc) and compare the effectiveness of nutrition-based approaches with today's potentially harmful commonly used medicines.
Holford and Burne then recommend the foods and supplements you need to take to keep you healthy and to help reverse your health problems, suggesting safe drug-free alternatives to painkillers, anti-inflammatories, antibiotics, blood thinners, cholesterol reducers, HRT, antidepressants, stimulants and tranquilisers.
Simple to follow, practical and convincing, this is the book you need to read before you go to see your doctor.

(Price & availability last checked: July 2018)

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