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News From Nowhere Radical & Community Bookshop

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The Jose Marti Reader: Writings on the Americas

by Jose Marti - £9.99  Ocean Press (2007)
paperback    ISBN 13: 9781920888749 | ISBN 10: 1920888748

This Reader presents an outstanding new anthology of the writings, poetry and letters of José Martí — one of the most brilliant and impassioned Latin American intellectuals of the 19th century.
Teacher, journalist, revolutionary and poet, José Martí interweaves the threads of Latin American culture and history, fervently condemning the brutality and corruption of the Spanish colonizers as well as the increasingly predatory ambitions of the United States in Latin America. “I have lived in the monster and I know its entrails; my sling is David’s,” Martí wrote shortly before his death.
José Martí was born in Havana, Cuba, in 1853. At 17 he was imprisoned for treason by the Spanish. He subsequently lived most of his life in exile, traveling throughout Latin America. Martí lived in New York for 14 years before returning to Cuba where he was killed during the War of Independence against Spain in 1895.

(Price & availability last checked: July 2018)

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